What Every Hawaii Business Owner Should Know About Bed Bug Control

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  • What Every Hawaii Business Owner Should Know About Bed Bug Control

Nobody wants a bed bug infestation, but these pests are even more problematic in businesses than they are in homes. What do bed bugs look like? These critters have flat, oval-shaped bodies and only grow to be about the size of the seeds in your apple, but they can still cause a lot of big trouble. Here’s what Hawaii business owners should know about bed bug infestations, how they travel, bed bug control in your business, and how to get rid of bed bugs with pest control in Hawaii.

If There Are Bed Bugs Around My Business, Does It Mean It’s Dirty?

It’s a common misconception that bed bug infestations only happen if your business or home is unsanitary. However, this is a myth, and bed bug problems can happen in almost any location where there’s regular human activity.

But if they aren’t attracted to food or garbage, where do bed bugs come from? Unlike cockroaches or rodents, which may only be attracted to poorly maintained businesses or homes, bed bugs feed on human blood, not your leftovers.

A sparkling clean business is just as likely to get a bed bug infestation as one that’s dirty. This is because of how bed bugs like to travel. Since they don’t have wings, bed bugs must move around by crawling over small distances or hitching a ride on someone’s personal belongings.

If an employee happens to have a bed bug infestation at home, it only takes a few bed bugs latching onto a briefcase or backpack for your office to end up with a full-blown infestation. Although it isn’t usually the business’ fault for ending up with bed bugs, having a pest infestation can still affect your local reputation. It’s important to get rid of bed bugs as soon as possible.

Do Bed Bugs In Hawaii Travel On Clothes?

Bed bugs primarily travel by latching on to personal belongings, like suitcases, luggage, backpacks, or even briefcases, but what about clothing? While it is technically possible for bed bugs to travel by clothing, they prefer not to. Humans (and their clothing) don’t make the greatest hiding spots and tend to move around too much for it to be a comfortable mode of transportation for bed bugs. But even if they don’t often bring them in via clothing, employees or customers can still infest your business with bed bugs through their personal belongings.

What Are Some Bed Bug Control Tips For My Hawaii Business

Because they’re hard to spot, mostly nocturnal, and difficult to prevent, how do you know if you have bed bugs in your business and what natural pest control for bed bugs can you use to limit the risk of an infestation? Here are some handy bed bug control tips for Hawaii businesses to keep in mind:

  • Regularly vacuum and clean every area of the business, including hallways, offices, cubicles, lobbies, kitchens, and even storefronts.
  • Try to eliminate or limit the amount of clutter, especially in storage areas, as this can provide bed bugs with a hiding spot.
  • Perform regular inspections for signs of bed bug activity, including live or dead bugs and reddish-brown stains on furniture.
  • Ask employees to report any suspicions of bed bug activity in the business, like regular bug bites, stains, or even sightings of live bed bugs.
  • Ask employees to report a bed bug infestation at home as they can sometimes unknowingly bring them into your business.

These tips will help you avoid a bed bug infestation and get rid of any bed bugs that make it past your defenses, but what if your bed bug infestation has gotten out of hand?

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Fast!

You never want to let a bed bug infestation go untreated, but if you’re running a business, you especially don’t want to keep these pests around for long. All it takes is one bad review to ruin a Hawaii business’ reputation, but how do you get rid of bed bugs fast? The answer is Bullseye K9 Detection.

We’ve got more than twenty years of experience dealing with stubborn pests like bed bugs, and we’re the only exclusive bed bug control service in Hawaii. So, if you suspect you may have an infestation or have reason to believe your business has bed bugs, you shouldn’t wait – contact us today at Bullseye K9 Detection to learn more about our services for bed bug control.

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