Help! What To Do If There Is a Bed Bug Infestation In My Hawaii Office

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  • Help! What To Do If There Is a Bed Bug Infestation In My Hawaii Office

Having bed bugs at home is bad enough, but what happens when those parasitic pests infest your office? A bed bug infestation in the office is the last thing you want to deal with. But the longer the problem persists, the worse it will get, and the more your employees will suffer. If you’ve got a bed bug infestation in your Hawaii office, here’s what you need to do.

What To Know About Bed Bugs

Bed bugs have seen an unfortunate resurgence in the U.S. in recent years, and Hawaii is no exception. While these pests aren’t known to spread disease or cause property damage, they are challenging to live with.

Bed bugs are small, oval-shaped insects. They are red in color and measure about 1/4 of an inch. These pests depend on blood for survival and will feed on unsuspecting hosts in the night as they sleep. The bite marks they leave develop into swollen, itchy welts often appearing on the neck, hands, forearms, and face.

Since bed bugs aren’t usually caught in the act of feeding, it’s not always easy to identify an infestation. Some folks may wake up with bite marks caused by other pests like mosquitoes. And sometimes live specimens suspected to be bed bugs are, in fact, other insects like cockroach nymphs. However, the presence of shed skin, bloodstains on fabric, and tell-tale bite marks are usually reliable signs of an infestation.

How Bed Bugs Get In The Office

Bed bugs are expert hitchhikers, and an employee or a visitor may unknowingly introduce them to your office. Bed bugs may hide in briefcases or luggage and are also known to cling to clothing as they travel from one location to another.

What’s important to remember is that bed bugs don’t just live in bedrooms. These pests thrive in various indoor environments and can hide out for months in furniture and appliances. Bed bugs can infest hotels and public transportation, and employees may pick them up traveling for business. Hygiene and cleanliness have little to do with an employee’s likelihood to carry bed bugs, and virtually anyone can have them regardless of status or income.

If an employee is suffering from a home bed bug infestation, it should always be reported so employers can take the appropriate action. Generally, the report of a home infestation is caused enough for a full bed bug inspection of your office.

What To Do About Negligence Claims

If your office becomes infested with bed bugs, employees may file negligence claims. Having bed bugs can seriously impact mental health and personal finances, and a company that knowingly ignores an active bed bug infestation could face some serious legal woes.

Residential bed bug control can be expensive, and employees may not want to pay for extermination for bed bugs they believe were picked up in the office. If possible, employers may want to offer to pay for any home bed bug extermination of affected employees to avoid legal complications. It’s crucially important to take all negligence claims seriously and to perform your due diligence to investigate all claims.

If you think your Hawaii office building is suffering from a bed bug infestation or an employee is suffering from a home infestation, don’t wait for the problem to worsen. Get in touch with the bed bug experts at Bullseye K9 Detection for the professional bed bug control services you need. We’ll sniff out your bed bugs at the source and eliminate the problem safely and effectively. Contact us today for more information.

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